I am officially putting out an All Point Bulletin...
I am looking for any or all of Grandpa's old 8mm films. If anyone has any of these films I would like to borrow them. I am currently borrowing some equipment that enables me to transfer 8mm films into Quicktime movies on my computer. It's a long, tedious process but I have the stuff to do it and would love to preserve these memories for the family if at all possible. If I can get ahold of these films I can make them into dvd's and also save them onto my hard drive making them accessible to all of us forever. If you have any or all of these films I would appreciate if you would contact me off-line and let me know so I can pick them up from you.
Also, if anyone has the tape that Robert made a few years back with some of the old films I would love to get/borrow a copy of that to include with the others. Thanks to anyone that can help me track these things down.
ON ANOTHER NOTE...Our cousin Lena has moved to San Francisco recently to go to school. She is loving it out there and currently looking for a place to live. She doesn't have a computer of her own right now but has been able to get on-line here and there and would love it if everyone would keep in touch. Here is her email address:
lena.jm (at) gmail.com