Robert and the Infamous van

Happy Birthday Robert! and farewell to the infamous van. This week, after 30+ years with us the blue van was hauled off to the big garage in the sky. Everyone, at one time or another, has been in this van, taken a trip in this van, had a story about this van or a great memory about this van! To commemorate this Robert kept one of the back doors to the van, which will become the door to a cabinet of his, and everyone was invited, and still is invited, to write a memory or something about the van that you want documented in history. We'll miss that good old van. Poor Shaun thought that would one day be his car...now he is resigned to the fact that will never happen, it's so sad.
Please wish Robert a happy 52nd birthday and send your condolences about the van. Hopefully you'll all be with us to celebrate at his house with some
Ledo's pizza and some cold beers. Happy Birthday and many, many more to come!