Chumados End of Fall Season Celebration
Okay, so this post is a little late because we couldn't get the pictures uploaded last Friday and since then the Moreno's have had a lot going on. First we wanted to say Hola Tio Miguelito in Ecuador!! He reads the web site religeously and we appreciate it!
So, the Chumados did not win their last playoff game against the Stray's, which in turn means they did not get to play the championship game BUT we did give them a run for their money. We held them for most of the game and we all played like the champs that we really are. We came together and made some great plays. We ran into a little snag, made a couple of mistakes that ended up costing us the game. The Stray's hit a home run with 2 people on bases that brought 3 runs in and then our mistake brought in the 4th. They ended up beating us 19 - 13 but it wasn't a bitter loss. We are the only team to make them play full games all season and we beat them the first time we met so it's all good. Next season the championship belongs to the Chumados! It was a great time...

The whole gang hanging out

waiting for the beer and pizza

Joe, who hit a home run in the game, and the crew

Somebody's getting shleepsy


Tracy, Bev, Bianca and Pokes

Bianca being a true Chumado

Grandma and the kids

Marianna and Anthony

Robert - clearly put his whole body into the game...

grass stains, mud and all.

Tracy getting all flushed from being chumado

Tracy and Alyssa playing

Lena, Hayley and William

Bianca and Alyssa passed out...well, one of them really is!
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