First, we would like to give a Chumado's Update:
The team FINALLY got to play a full game last night. It was a great game. Everyone on the team played so well and really came together as a cohesive group. The defense and the offense made every attempt to play like champs and it paid off! The Chumado's were victorious in our first "played" game. This gives us 1 loss and 3 win's so far this season. Keep up the good work Chumado's!!
And now on to Birthdays...
Today is our little Tony's Birthday!! We hope you have a great day tony and so much fun at your pizza party!!!!
Today is also Shaun's big 3-0-!!! It's hard to believe that our little Jakey is gaining on us...It sees like just yesterday...wait, what?
We hope you have a wonderful day, a spectacular year ahead and many, many more milestone birthdays to come.

We hope to see everyone at Shaun's 30th Birthday party tonight being held at Duff's house in Columbia, Maryland. Call one of the family members for his address if you do not know how to get there. Thanks!
Happy Birthday to the both of you!!
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